My Brand Development

 My business is very untraditional, in fact I wouldn't even call it a business. I would say I am selling my services to people. I am a yoga instructor and intuitive healer. I have taken a while to create a website for myself, however, I do not have a logo yet. I am working with my friends dad to create one though. I am also currently working on a business card to pass out to different stores and yoga studios. When I first started to create my brand, I did a lot of research to find my taste. I looked at different healers websites different yoga teachers websites and I came to a conclusion about what I liked. However, I have re organized and changed parts of y websites all the time because I feel like I can always be improving it. I found that people in my industry use link tree, while this is simple and easy I do not feel like it is the most professional thing to do. I also looked at different healers websites and they are all out of date and look very unprofessional. So, when I went into making my website I knew I wanted something professional, new, and fresh.

Currently, I am working on developing my brand Identity and components. I know that I want my brand to be light easy and healing, so on m website I tried to make the different colors and photos represent that. I need to work on a logo to really tie everything together though. I was thinking of having it be a simple line drawing of a figure doing yoga or meditating. The only problem I have with that is that it is very basic and I feel like multiple people have used that similar look before.

I feel like my business is in the process of building trust. When I really started to put myself out there and be a healer and teacher I started to offer my services to my instagram followers, it has grown too much more than that now. I believe my recommendations have been word of mouth ore than anything, and I would like to change that. I want to be able to reach a broader audience and offer some online meditations and healing courses. That is something that I am working on developing right now. 

I have had a lot of the same costumers come back to me multiple times which tells me that my brand is consistent and I have good recall. The strengths of my brand would probably be the consistency and the recall as well as the amazing costumer service. In almost every session I do I get tipped and they send another customer me way. The weaknesses would probably have to do with the consistency of clients I get. One week I may get a client for each day, and the next week I may get zero clients. So I believe coming up with a consistency in my clientele will help me a lot. Te opportunities of my brand are very broad, like I said before, I could start to sell guided meditations, online yoga packages with recorded lessons. I could create cute little books for sharing information on energy and the body. I am open to so many opportunities and will take whatever comes my way. Threats could include the Carona Virus, my competition are other healers. However, I really do believe that there are enough people to be healed and enough yoga classes to teach. I think my biggest threat would be myself, and not carving out enough time to put the work and effort in to growing my brand.

In all I believe a lot of growth for my brand could happen very quickly and there are a lot of things that I need to be more consistent about. For example, continuing to send out monthly emails to my email list, updating y website, and being better about growing my social media. what I have realized through the process of writing this post is that I have so much to look forward too.


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