Final Assignment
Write one final blog post to sum up your class experience for this semester. Use the questions below as a starting point. Be thorough and write at least 5 or more paragraphs.
When I first started this class at the beginning of the semester, I thought of social media much differently than I do now. Since my mom had been running her own start up company for women's athletic apparel, i knew that social media was a huge part of a brand. It allowed for companies to reach a much wider clientele in a shorter period of time than ever before. Social media has helped many companies become very successful just because of the way they advertise themselves online. It has always been apparent to me, that in order for your small business to really blow up, you must use social media. However, i never really understood how complicated it would be. I thought it was as simple as posting a photo/video adding a couple hashtags and calling it a day.
I was very wrong, i now know that there is a lot of work that goes into developing your brand online, not only that, but it takes a lot of effort and time. I found out that i could spend hours on one post, and even how bad that is. It should be thought-out but not obsessed over.
A companies presence online takes planning, commitment, and constant adaptability. You have to change the hashtags, offer new types of posts, keep up with what your followers want to see, review insights, and so much more.
This semester has greatly impacted my growth online. I started this year with an account that had 12 followers, I posted photos taken from others instagrams, and I was spending a lot of time writing captions that no one would read. Throughout this semester I have grown my account to almost 200 followers, I post weekly live videos, I have a strategy that is time efficient for me and effective. I use mostly Instagram, twitter, and facebook. I inter link all of my accounts. I post my tweets on my instagram, my instagram posts on facebook, and so on. I have found that the most beneficial thing I have done on social media was let my entire personality come out in my live videos, I also found that when I film in a setting that is pleasing to the eye it attracts more followers. I promise that if you want to grow yourself online you must be consistent. you must stick to your schedule and post regularly to meet your growth goals.
In the past 30 days my account has reached 753 accounts, that is 55.9% more than I reached last month. My followers have gone up 43% this past month as well. I am able to see that my age range for my customers is from 18 years old to 24 years old, this allows me to understand that most of my viewers are around my age, so that is my target. My goal is to reach 1600 accounts by January 18th.
Thank you so much for this semester. I know we never met, but I truly learned so much!
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